Corriere della Sera

Corriere della Sera first issue's header
Corriere della Sera, first issue's header (March 5-6, 1876)

Eugenio Torelli Viollier
Eugenio Torelli Viollier
(Naples, Mar. 26, 1842 - Apr. 26, 1900),
Italian journalist and politician,
creator of the Corriere della Sera
and co-founder with Riccardo Pavesi

Name: "Corriere della Sera"

Category: Newspapers

--- Eugenio Torelli Viollier
--- Riccardo Pavesi

First issue: March 5, 1876 - Milan, Italy

First editor: Riccardo Pavesi

First format: Broadsheet

First price: 5 centesimi (7 outside Milan, 10 for back issue) ITL

Overview: First published on March 5, 1876, Corriere della Sera (Italian for Evening Courier) is one of Italy's oldest daily newspapers. The foliation was four pages, printed in 15,000 copies. The newspaper was published with a double dating (March 5-6, for example), because due to the slowness of transport often copies arrived in the other regions the next day. The double dating would last until December 1902. In 1899 Corriere della Sera began to offer some interesting periodical supplements:
Corriere della Sera 1866
A newspaper "Corriere della Sera"
was founded by Giuseppe Rovelli
in Turin in 1866, ten years before
the newspaper founded in Milan,
but after only two issues (August 1-2)
it ceased publication for lack of funds
La Domenica del Corriere (The Sunday Courier, popular, illustrated, Jan. 8, 1899);
La Lettura (The Reading, addressed to the educated public, Jan. 1901);
Romanzo mensile (Novel monthly, which collects the serial novels published in the Courier, Apr. 1903);
Corriere dei Piccoli (Courier of the Childrens, Dec. 27, 1908: it was the first Italian periodical to make a regular feature of publishing comic strips).
In the 1910s and 1920s, under the direction of Luigi Albertini (1871-1941), Corriere della Sera became the most widely read newspaper in Italy, maintaining its importance and influence into the present century. In 2001, 125th anniversary of the birth of the Courier, was created the "Fondazione Corriere della Sera", a foundation with the aim of curing and open to the public the historical archives of the newspaper, and to promote initiatives in favor of the language and Italian culture.

Property: RCS MediaGroup S.p.A.

Official website:

Corriere della Sera, first issue - zoom
The Daily Universal Register, first issue
Corriere della Sera, front page of the first issue (March 5-6, 1876)

Corriere della Sera, advertising 1898
Corriere della Sera advertising poster (1898, by Adolfo Hohenstein)

Domenica del Corriere, first issue 1899
La Domenica del Corriere, Sunday supplement by Corriere della Sera (Jan. 8, 1899)

Corriere dei Piccoli, first issue 1908
Corriere dei Piccoli, weekly for children by Corriere della Sera (Dec. 27, 1908)

Corriere della Sera 1946
Corriere della Sera, front page June 6, 1946: Italy became a republic (June 2)

Corriere della Sera 2013
Corriere della Sera in its advanced version (March 14, 2013 - Election of Pope Francis)

Corriere della Sera, 140th anniversary
Corriere della Sera, a stamp marks its 140th anniversary (1876-2016)